Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The gemini look -- DIVALICIOUS!

My zodiac sign is gemini.. SO I am collecting many glitter graphics that will suit this blog.. I want to make it look girlish and so I am taking possible efforts to make it look that way! Here are some of the graphic images that I have found!

I am a GEMINI!

Change is inevitable! The attention seeker

Fantastic wit and humor

Easy going


Freaky and Fantastic

Basket full of ideas!

Petite figure

I(We) rock!


Subash said...

good one
lots of glitterring like the jewels stuff
seems like a lot of money
good and keep it going

Kev said...

Hi Jay

Thanks for your comment on my blog about Avatar movie I watched. Too bad I was unable to watch it in 3D!

Keep visiting.